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Meet Brownie

Arrival into foster care

Brownie came to MAESSR in early September, 2008, without having been to the vet for more than two years, and was in very sad shape when she arrived into foster care. She had a very large mammary tumor that hung almost to the ground and was clearly causing her great discomfort. She also was suffering from a skin condition that caused her to lose most of her hair. She was constantly scratching and had trouble getting comfortable or even getting sleep. On top of that, she was anemic, with a high white blood cell count, probably caused by the skin infection. Plus, she had enlarged lymph nodes and was underweight at 34 pounds.

Initial treatment

Brownie initially received two treatments for mange, even though her tests turned up negative for that disease. She started receiving antibiotics to treat her skin infections caused by her constant scratching, and antihistamines to help get her scratching under control. Brownie's foster mom rubbed her dry, cracked skin with Udder Butter to relieve her discomfort and to help soften it. This treatment help to remove the redness in her skin and made her more comfortable. Brownie was put on a diet of lamb and rice in case the skin condition was caused by food allergies. This was supplemented with spinach to help with her anemia.

Initial response to treatment

Brownie quickly began responding to the tender loving care she received at her foster home. She gained weight, but had to be fed with a special bowl from the MAESSR Marketplace, called a 'Brake-Fast' bowl. This bowl, with large, round protusions on the bottom, helped to slow down her eating, as she was gobbling up her food so quickly, there was concern that she was not digesting the food properly. She quickly became more active, as her health began to return and she was more comfortable.

Further Treatment

Brownie was scheduled for surgery to remove her tumor in the middle of September, but the vet felt her skin condition had not cleared up sufficiently to risk the surgery, so it was postponed. However, a visit a couple weeks later showed vast improvement in Brownie's condition, thanks to the care her foster family provided. Her fur had begun to grow in, she had gained some weight, and looked much better overall, so the vet agreed to perform the surgery to remove her mammary tumors, spay her, and remove her mammary glands.

The first surgery went fairly well, but the vet was unable to do as much as he would like, so Brownie had to have a second surgery to remove all the mammary tumors. After that, in December, she was spayed and had her tail re-docked, since this was the only location where her hair did not grow back and she had some discomfort because of it.

And three short months after Brownie entered MAESSR's care looking and feeling rather poorly, thanks to wonderful foster parents, and your support and donations, she looked like this:

MAESSR had an approved adopter who was looking for a springer that would sit on her lap, sleep in bed with her and be content to be with her 100% of the time.  Brownie fit that bill to a tee and from the first day, bonded with her new mom and is her constant companion. Brownie was adopted in January, 2009, and is very happy and healthy. Another MAESSR success story!

And a HUGE Thank You to the Doctors and Staff at the Animal and Bird Healthcare Clinic of Cherry Hill, NJ, for their excellent treatment of Brownie and other MAESSR dogs!

Average costs of MAESSR-provided medical services
Procedure Average Cost
Basic Exam $55.00
Annual Shots $50.00
Heartworm & Fecal Check $65.00
Spay $225.00
Neuter $175.00
X-Rays (basic) $130.00
Heartworm Treatment $600.00

If you would like to donate to support the dogs in MAESSR's care, please click here.

Contact MAESSR
If you have limited email access, or if you know of a Springer in need, you can contact MAESSR by telephone at (301) 362-0423 or you can always email us.

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MAESSR © Copyright 2015 Mid-Atlantic English Springer Spaniel Rescue. All Rights Reserved.